
Thematic School CNRS/INRAE UniChromRNA

Organized by the INRAE SPE REacTION network and the CNRS group GDR3E, November 28th to December 1st

The INRAE SPE REacTION network (Network on the role of epigenetic mechanisms in the control of plant-bioagressor interactions, @NetworkReaction) and the GDR3E (Research Group "Epigenetics in Ecology and Evolution, @epiecoevol) supported by the CNRS are jointly organizing in Bordeaux the UniChromaRNA Thematic School "ATAC-seq and sRNA-seq in ecology and agronomy".
This Thematic School aims to train scientists on the use of technologies to perform open chromatin and small non-coding RNA profiling on a variety of organisms studied by members of the two networks.  From 28/11 to 1/12 at the INRAE Nouvelle-Aquitaine-Bordeaux Research Center.
20 participants from CNRS and INRAE units are welcomed at MycSA.  The first two days are dedicated to the realization of ATAC-seq and sRNA-seq protocols allowing to produce libraries for sequencing open chromatin regions and small regulatory RNAs in a variety of biological models of agronomic and ecological interest. The laboratories of the MycSA unit host these molecular biology experiments while the sequencing is then carried out by the Plateforme Génome Transcriptome of Bordeaux.
The third day is dedicated to various scientific and technical presentations on the identification of open chromatin regions and the profiling of small regulatory RNAs. These presentations are open to all and free of charge (amphitheater Colette and Josy Bové, 71 av. Edouard Bourleaux, 33140 Villenave d'Ornon.
The last half-day is dedicated to training in the use of a bioinformatics analysis pipeline of ATAC-seq data.
The financing of this event is provided by the CNRS, INRAE and the Illumina company.