Elyse at CapScience

Elyse was at Cap Sciences for a session of the Bureau of Investigation

Elyse Forgues, with 3 objects, presented her thesis on agroforestry to the public visiting Cap Sciences in Bordeaux.

A picture of an agroecological plot, grains of wheat and a box of mushrooms. All that was needed for a quick presentation of the issues and the scientific approach of her thesis work on the impact of agroforestry (presence of trees on farmland) on phytopathogenic fungi of cereals, and more particularly on Fusarium spp. responsible for Fusarium head blight and the accumulation of mycotoxins in grains. This research work is part of the AC²TION project, one of two projects in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region under the TETRAE program, which aims to respond to major agricultural, food and environmental challenges.