Marie-Anne GARCIA

Marie-Anne GARCIA

PhD INRAE| Université de Bordeaux - Genetics and Ecophysiology of fungi

Contacts : Tel : 0786639710 - E-Mail :  -  Linkedin


2015-2017: Agricultural BTS in Biological Analysis and Biotechnology, Blanquefort Agricultural High School
        Internship: determination of the origin of cases of Flavescence dorée in vineyards, INRAE, BFP, Villenave d'Ornon
2017-2018 : Prepa ATS bio, Lycée agricole de Blanquefort
2018-2019 : Bachelor's degree in life sciences, Cells and organisms block, Agrosystems and Vine and wine industry options, Bordeaux University
        Internship: trials of phytosanitary treatments in vineyards, Château Beychevelle
 2019-2021: Master Biology Agrosciences, Mycology and Phytopathology option, Université de Bordeaux
        Internship: Characterization of the genetic diversity of French Microdochium populations, INRAE, MycSA, Villenave d'Ornon
 2021-2024 : PhD , Study of the adaptive potential of Fusarium species in the face of climate change, INRAE, MycSA, Villenave d'Ornon


Job description and activities

Thesis topic : Adaptive potential of toxigenic fusarium species (Fusarium spp.) in the face of climate change: representativeness, ecophysiologies, interactions and mutational dynamics.

Grant funding: ANR funding (EvolTox project)

Supervisor : Marie Foulongne-Oriol

Abstract of the research project

The aim of this thesis project is to study the adaptive potential of the majority Fusarium species in the face of climate change, using various complementary ecophysiological and genetic approaches. A retrospective of the profiles of the various toxigenic species present on wheat over the last 15 years will enable us to assess the impact of climatic conditions. A detailed characterization of the ecophysiological needs of each species, considered alone or in mixtures, is a prerequisite for a better understanding of their ecological niche, their interactions and thus their representativeness in the field. The thesis project is built around two axes:

1-Characterization of changes in Fusarium species profiles: a review of 15 years of sampling French wheat - The aim is to study changes in the representativeness of Fusarium species present in wheat samples collected in France between 2007 and 2021, using a metabarcoding approach. Species prevalence is analyzed in the light of agro-climatic parameters, in partnership with statisticians from Arvalis-Institut du végétal.

2-Ecophysiological studies of the main Fusarium species, alone or in interaction - Growth and toxin production behavior will be studied in vitro for a panel of 5 strains of the 5 major species under contrasting environmental conditions of temperature and water availability. These stress conditions will also be applied to mixtures of two species to study the possible effect of abiotic stresses on their interactions. This part of the project is in collaboration with scientists from the INRAE-Ecosys unit for experimental design and results analysis.